The process of selling a home is terribly inefficient. Between contractors, service providers, agents and speculative buyers — everyone seems to be making money on the back of your hard earned equity.
Despite all of that, most homes sell for less than they’re actually worth. Home owners often accept lowball offers in the interest of a quick sale, leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table (and giving the buyer an incredible bargain).
We believe there’s a better way to sell your home — one that involves less headaches and puts more money back in your pocket.
At WeFlip, we’ve developed an end to end solution for renovating and selling homes that helps home owners realize more of their hard earned equity.
We partner with home owners to unlock the real value of their homes by making just the right upgrades — and we pay for and manage the entire process at no up front cost to the home owner.
Our mission is to help hard working families realize more of the equity in their homes and live a more prosperous life. I hope you’ll let us move your family forward.